When We All Get To Heaven

Jackson Campbell
4 min readOct 11, 2023


Escapism or Empowerment?

Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash

“When we aaaaaaall see Jeeeeeeesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory!” If you know that song, you probably understand the deep significance it has in the lives of people of faith.

My parents and grandparents know this song as one that was sung very often throughout their upbringing. For them, celebrating the future of the afterlife was a reminder of the “reward” they received once journey on earth had come to an end. It was a reminder that, despite hardships, God was going to bring about a new “Kingdom” for those who were loyal to “Him.”

In 2023, living in a tempestuous time with regard to spirituality and religion, one might say that thinking about Heaven and the afterlife is “merely escapism,” attempting to divert oneself from unpleasant life experiences. Some might say that it is empowering, giving confidence to people of faith. Seriously, which is it?

Both. It’s complicated. It’s nuanced. It really depends on a couple things:

  1. Your Social location
  2. Your attitude toward the concept of Heaven and the “Kingdom” of God

First, let’s talk about social location.

As with most concepts we can debate about in our lifetime, the social location of each person matters significantly. Take, for example, a Black Woman who has experienced oppression as a part of her daily life. For many folks in Black culture, especially Women, the burdens of life have been weighed down on them from the get-go. To think about Heaven is to think about a place, a time, a moment, a glimpse of hope in the midst of sorrow and heavy amounts of systemic racism.

Take some mountain folk in Central Appalachia who believe that their life is supposed to be focused on raising their children — many of which are plagued by health concerns that the family can’t afford to manage. For those low-income Appalachians, dreaming about Heaven when they die perhaps is one of few joys they catch a glimpse of during their week.

As my social location (especially in my ministry setting) has changed over time, I have been a lot more immersed in communities that are middle class to wealthy, white, and probably haven’t experienced oppression in too many ways. For this group of folks, singing about Heaven and participating in escapism is perhaps a bit more problematic. For those who are privileged, escaping form the real world is often a way of ignoring the issues that they are responsible for — often neglecting and oppressing the folks I spoke of previously. If you are in a privileged social location, escapism isn’t a necessity. It is unhealthy and lacks the courage to stand up and make important changes within the world.

If escapism is a necessity within your social and/or cultural location, it is inherently empowering. If it more like a hobby, you’re probably diverting away from the responsibilities of folks in your range of privilege.

Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

Now, let’s think about one’s attitude toward the concept of Heaven

Heaven is a beautiful concept no matter how you may think about it. The “Kingdom” of Heaven is, too. For people of faith, this is a promise that ultimate goodness and truth will reign supreme and that death doesn’t get the last word.

If you’re looking forward to the “Kingdom” of Heaven but aren’t “doing the work,” you’re an escapist. It is much more escapist to dream about Heaven and share that good news with others without participating in the work it will take to create such a “kingdom.” In the Christian tradition, we believe that God empowers us to do the work that it takes to create the “Kingdom” of Heaven. We can’t just sit around and wait for it to happen.

We must think of Heaven as something we’re collectively building alongside God. Jesus never said the “kingdom” of Heaven was just going to pop up without any work. In fact, he preached the good news that we should radically love one another — especially those on the margins — so that we could partner with God in God’s salvific efforts.

To dream about Heaven AND work for it at the same time? THAT is empowering!

How do you think about Heaven? Is it something you’re just escaping too when you feel lost? Or is it a place you dream of whilst simultaneously building it? Does your life require the escape to Heaven in order to prosper mentally and spiritually?

When we begin to see ourselves as partners in the work of God’s Kindom, we’ll be able to actually escape some of the hurt that our world perpetuates.

What a day of rejoicing that will be!

